Wow! Back to school already and already in the swing of things... *sigh* In some ways I enjoy it, while parts of me love being at home, visiting with family and Levi. It is so nice to not have to worry about things, but I believe God does have a plan throughout all this schooling! I guess it is a good thing because I never would have met Levi or have gotten to experience some of the wonders I've seen while I've been here. It is such a beautiful town, and I am so blessed to be a part of such a great education department.
I have been missing all the time I got to spend with the Lord over the Christmas Break, but I understand that I must still constantly commune with Him, though I can't always be listening to good music, reading my Bible, or listening to good preaching.
My only prayer is that I can make an impact on this school before I leave. I feel that colleges every where (as we already know) are moving more liberal as the value of secular knowledge takes precedence over Godly and Biblical knowledge. Please pray that I will be a constant witness and truly be able to lead someone to the Lord here. It is so important that our college aged students know the Lord... if they don't take a stand for the LORD, what will happen to the next generation?? Please keep me in your prayers so I can fight the good fight of faith and live like a TRUE Christian among so many who do not know the loving God that I know!
Praise HIS name.. Let us always be thankful for our salvation and the love we KNOW to be true!!
Thanks to Mrs. B @ Cherish the Home for the image above! I loved it!