I just got finished exercising. It is so amazing to me that when you expend energy by exercising, you actually get MORE energy?! Who woulda thunk it?
Well, today I taught about decomposers. The funny thing was... I was telling my kids about how decomposers break down dead animals into nutrients and things that make the soil rich and good for the environment. Then, where there was once something dead and decaying, there then can come life once again by the presence of new trees and plants, etc.... Well, when I was telling them about all this jazz, one boy raised his hand and said, " Why would they want to eat something dead? Why wouldn't they want to eat something good?"
Well... at this moment, I was already getting really excited because the Holy Spirit turned a little flip in my heart.. I answered him (even though it was probably illegal)..." Well, it is my personal opinion that God made these little creatures to eat exactly what they were made to eat and they were made specifically for this task. Just like you were made to be you, and I was made to me and to be a teacher." My face had to be glowing and God had to be laughing His head off because I was seriously getting EXCITED and SPIRITUAL about decomposers! *sigh* I guess some of us have to be taught through the smallest things.. literally!
But no joke.. just the fact that God made everything to work together in such a specific order.. the natural cycle of life. Think about where you were before you were saved.. how you were rotting, decaying, and dead in your sins. He came in, broke up the fallow ground in your heart, and turned YOU into something He could use when He saved you!!